Author Bio

About Jennifer Spurgeon

“I credit my storytelling to my incredibly imaginative childhood.”

-Jennifer Spurgeon

Jennifer Spurgeon was born in Springfield, MO in 1982, the youngest of four children. Her childhood, though rough, was full of imaginative games that kept the four children out doors from sun up to sundown, or indoors under forts made from nets and blankets. 

After her parents separated when Jennifer was nine, she picked up telling stories through poetry. She would write her words on whatever was available; from scrap paper, to cardboard, from napkins to scrap wood pieces she’d find in the barn. 

Jennifer always had a passion for learning and attended college in Springfield with plans to transfer to north MO in pursuit of a petroleum engineering degree. A turn of events, however, moved her to the east coast where she lived in Southern New Hampshire, Boston, and New York before moving back to the Midwest to live in St. Louis.


Meet Jennifer

While Jennifer worked fifty to sixty hours a week, she couldn’t help but find time to work on her first novel. Getting up at 4a.m. or 5a.m. to get several hours of writing in before heading off to work, Jennifer spent several years on “The Shadow of the Knight”. Initially hoping to be picked up by a publisher, Jennifer first did research before deciding to take on the challenge of being a self-published author.

Jennifer believes in giving back and investing in the lives of others, to which she accepted invitations as a guest speaker at inspirational rallies in North Carolina as well as in Arizona. She has visited four other countries and has traveled over seas five times. When not writing, Jennifer believes in devoting time to charitable causes, including You Can Free Us, which rescues sex trafficked women and children. She also keeps up with her other recent passion of figure skating. Still working forty-five plus hours a week as a manger and optician, Jennifer still wakes up before dawn to pursue her passion of storytelling, knowing one day hard work and dedication will pay off. 

"Dreams don’t sleep.”

-Jennifer Spurgeon